So what a whirl wind four weeks its been! It seems like my wheels have been spinning and Ive barely had a chance to let em' touch the ground!
Lets see.. I left off right before IMFL 70.3 down in Orlando, FL. Let me tell you... what an experience that race was... I definitely would say that race taught me a lot about triathlon... 1st off.. that trying to come back after month of running (post stress fracture) and compete in a 70.3 race... is probably not a good idea. Ida know... I just really really wanted to do it, and I've never dropped out of anything, and dont plan on starting a trend... however, 4 weeks of build running, going no futher than 1 8mi run prior to race day is not the best formula for having a good run.
I had contemplated not doing the race at the beginning of april.. but after the successful Olympic distance race, and by success I mean running the 10k at an easy 47min split... focusing on Half Marathon pace... I felt like I could handle the 70.3.. so two weeks before IMFL 70.3 I purchased my ticket to fly down to Orlando and join Mom and Dad, who were already down there enjoying Walt Disney World. I had a great time with Mom and Dad, and Im very glad that I went down there... but I think coming off the injury, my expectations were set a little too high for recovery being 100%... and thusly racing at 100%. Simply put: lack of run training = slow run!
The day pretty much started off on a sour note, but I tried not to focus on it too much. I was one of the last swim waves to hit the water... of the over 2700 athletes racing that day. Which means no clean water AT ALL the entire swim, and literally SWIMMING over people. Not "oh excuse me, I'll go around you, pardon me".. no no... more like Right arm on their left shoulder pushing them underwater as I swim over them bc they are kicking BREASTROKE in front of me... yeah.. Im one of the mean ones... next time watch behind you, and if you see me coming- move out of the way. The swim was an average 29min split.. nothing to write home about...
The bike was kinda a weird bike.. I felt 'ok' but started to notice the onsets of dehydration around mile 30... I didnt get the nutrition right this time.. and wound up dehydrating myself towards the end of the bike, coming into T2 craving water like none other... not a good way to start a Half Marathon... but I pressed on.. because well... that's just me.
The first lap of the 3 loop course wasnt too bad.. OH WAIT... except for over 50% of the loop was over trails instead of road... let me explain something about that... its one thing to try and run a half marathon.. its a whole nother' ball o wax when you put it on trails... trail running is SO MUCH HARDER!! So here I am.. out of shape running wise to begin with, and now half the race is over trails... the fork is being sharpened... it was a complete mental breakdown when i was finishing the 1st loop.. because I was dying by the end of it... no spunk or pep in my step... only the realization that I still had two more loops to go.... o crap.
I contemplated dropping out, throwing in the towel. At this point I had no idea where I was in the standings.. but I did know I was way off pace of where I wanted/needed to be. My stride kept getting weaker, the distance between steps smaller, and the ankle started to bother a bit.. I was also petrified of rolling the already weak ankle on the grassy trail part... ankle high grass makes for spotty foot placement. As I rounded the end of lap 2.. I realized the dehydration, mixed with sheer leg pain was reaching its breaking point... I ended up having to walk most of the last lap.. something Ive also never had to do... but I started to go over the choices in my head... I could either a.) throw in the towel.. turn around and walk back to transition. or b.) walk most of the loop and finish the race, which was why I came down here in the first place. I chose option B. thankfully.
You see, it occurred to me... as I walked, the reason why I decided to do this sport in the first place. Because I enjoy it. Yeah, its great to go fast times, and always have great races.. but every dog has their day where things dont work out.. things happen, and it doesnt go the way you planned. I didnt plan on having a stress fracture and be in Das Boot for spring.. but it happened, and I got through it, and now Im on the road to recovery. But the reason I do this sport is because I love it, and because I can. I have the ability to do something that I enjoy, and granted most of the time its pretty fast... but at the end of the day, I like the thrill and the feeling of competing in multi-sport. I did the crazy pressure collegiate athletics program.. and I wound up hating it towards the end.. counting down the days until the 'sentence' was over. That was one promise I made to myself early on when I decided to give triathlon a go... I would never let it get like swimming.. this was voluntary.. I enjoy doing this sport, and I am doing it while working full time... there will be days that I wont be able to train because work will be all consuming, and there will be days I just wont feel like training.. I do it when I wanna do it, and there is no pressure to train a certain number of hours, or anything that closely resembles the college athletics stress. I have a social like and friends, and if something is coming up that I want to do more so than train.. well Im gonna do that. Maybe on down the road if I have the opportunity to put more of a focus on triathlons then things would change.. but at the moment, Im pretty happy with the full plate I have!!
So speaking of full plate... what's on tap?? Well, I leave tomorrow morning to drive up to Ashville, NC for a EJ Gallo Regional Conference from Wednesday to Friday... oh yeah, forgot to mention... Im being relocated to Jacksonville, FL end of June to take over as the Field Marketing Manager for Jacksonville/Orlando, FL!! Very excited about the promotion, but not about leaving my friends and the great support network I have established here.... it will be hard, and my friends and roommates will be missed :(
Friday, we make the trek back to ATL, where I change out bags and head down to the airport to make the overnight journey to Europe!! I fly out of ATL to DC, then fly DC to London... have a two hour layover before finally arriving in Frankfurt, Germany to meet Bryant!! We fly out to Sardinia, Italy (island off the west coast of Italy) for a week!!! Its gonna be such a great experience! Ive never been to Europe, and now I get to spend 10 days there visiting Bryant.. Im just sooo looking forward to it!!! It couldnt come at a more perfect time either... it could be looked at as a dual celebration of my promotion, and Bryant's promotion to Captain. "Hey lets celebrate by taking a vacation.. where to? How bout' Sardinia? Count me in!" hehehe.
Dont worry... I plan on taking lots of pictures of Germany & the beaches of Sardinia!
I'll blog about the travels when I return stateside.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Positive Addictions
I find myself sitting out on the back patio content after a nice long Sunday mid-day ride contemplating where my mind wandered to on the ride... which usually is all over the spectrum, but in particular today I got to thinking about addictions.
First off, I have been bad about blogging recently. A LOT has been going on... after a month in DAS BOOT, I finally got to take it off.. and have now been running officially for 4 weeks! There is still pain, but its minimized, and I have had to make certain adjustments to my stride, and foot placement etc, to hopefully prevent myself from a relapse. I was about 80% healed when I came out of the boot.. but watching the calender, as I managed to every day, glaring at me and reminding me that I was 3 weeks out from the first race of the season... well, in the words of the Marine Corps... "we dont plan... we improvise" and improvise I did... The first race down in Pensacola went well. I had a great support crew of Mom, Dad, Heather & Bryant there to see me through the 2hrs 15min it took me... and across the finish line first. It was a great experience to have all of them there, as well as have my first Overall 1st place finish be in my hometown... I couldnt have written it better. Bryant and I spent the day before the race laying on the beach enjoying the Pensacola sun, bushwackers, and drifting in and out of consciousness between naps and rotating to maximize sun exposure. The weather was perfect, and it was so much fun to introduce Bryant to the fam, the hometown, and a large piece of what makes me tick.
Yesterday was the Women's Indian Springs Sprint Tri, where I crossed the finish line 1st, but ended up getting beat out by about a minute to a woman that started in a wave after me... I was 3 minutes ahead of everyone, no one in site, and I totally thought I had it in the bag... just goes to show. Im pleased with the performance though, bc I didnt feel good AT ALL. I caught the plague that my roommate Gozer came home with, and promptly went to the doc to get heavy antibiotics to shock my system to be ready for next weekend... and shock it has... but the nice side effects are energy loss, dehydration, and an over-all icky feeling.
So back to my ride thoughts of addictions. My ride left me thinking a lot about life, and the addictions I have to random things that just make me excited to experience each and every day. Here are just a few I was thinking about:
First off, I have been bad about blogging recently. A LOT has been going on... after a month in DAS BOOT, I finally got to take it off.. and have now been running officially for 4 weeks! There is still pain, but its minimized, and I have had to make certain adjustments to my stride, and foot placement etc, to hopefully prevent myself from a relapse. I was about 80% healed when I came out of the boot.. but watching the calender, as I managed to every day, glaring at me and reminding me that I was 3 weeks out from the first race of the season... well, in the words of the Marine Corps... "we dont plan... we improvise" and improvise I did... The first race down in Pensacola went well. I had a great support crew of Mom, Dad, Heather & Bryant there to see me through the 2hrs 15min it took me... and across the finish line first. It was a great experience to have all of them there, as well as have my first Overall 1st place finish be in my hometown... I couldnt have written it better. Bryant and I spent the day before the race laying on the beach enjoying the Pensacola sun, bushwackers, and drifting in and out of consciousness between naps and rotating to maximize sun exposure. The weather was perfect, and it was so much fun to introduce Bryant to the fam, the hometown, and a large piece of what makes me tick.
Yesterday was the Women's Indian Springs Sprint Tri, where I crossed the finish line 1st, but ended up getting beat out by about a minute to a woman that started in a wave after me... I was 3 minutes ahead of everyone, no one in site, and I totally thought I had it in the bag... just goes to show. Im pleased with the performance though, bc I didnt feel good AT ALL. I caught the plague that my roommate Gozer came home with, and promptly went to the doc to get heavy antibiotics to shock my system to be ready for next weekend... and shock it has... but the nice side effects are energy loss, dehydration, and an over-all icky feeling.
So back to my ride thoughts of addictions. My ride left me thinking a lot about life, and the addictions I have to random things that just make me excited to experience each and every day. Here are just a few I was thinking about:
- Human-powered speed... riding my bike above 40mph has to be one of the most exhilarating feelings in the entire world.
- The feeling at the end of a triathlon... an almost numbing, full body exhaustion, where drinking water and just standing feel AMAZING.
- Publix fresh cut fruit... I probably go through about 2 of their giant tubs a week! I feel healthy when I eat it, and I get excited when the watermelon is extra sweet :)
- Sitting out here on the back porch where the wind is blowing the trees around crazy crazy, and you cant hear anything but wind, leaves and branches making nose... also starring out into the back yard at the large green lusciousness of ridiculously tall trees... its so completely relaxing.
- Laying on Pensacola beach end of April, where its sunny and hot enough to lay out.. but the cool constant breeze keeps you from breaking a sweat... perfect conditions.
- Day dreaming about all the exotic travel adventures I want to experience in my lifetime.
- Learning... I am addicted to learning about history, tradition, colonies untouched by modern technology- that still manage to exist independently. Linguistics, military, sports, arts, music, human behavior... the list of topics could go on.
- Sports!! Whether it is a sport I compete in, or a sport I never tried, I'm addicted to watching, cheering, and the overall 'competitive air' that is present while witnessing sporting events. I have always been a diehard football fanatic since I was seven, but I am also becoming a huge fan of lacrosse... contact sport, fast paced... whats not to like!
- Deep conversations... whether it be about what you would find at the end of the universe, what you wanna be when you grow up, life goals, fears, top 10 things to do before dying, etc... the kind of fun, emotionally involved conversations where you forget what time it is, having been completely caught up in the moment.
- Skype & webcams! I will tell you what.. it was like my eyes were opened up to a whole new world! I never knew about skype, and how a webcam and this program can bring me 6 hours ahead to Germany and exactly where I wanna be... having a conversation with Bryant. Its like being right there in the room, staring at the person, hearing what they are saying, speaking back... and getting all the fun additions like facial expressions, tone, and even the silent pauses where there is no need for words.
- Learning more about myself... do you ever feel yourself opening up because of a person? And the more you find out about yourself.. the more it amazes you? I love the feeling of letting my guard down, uncut raw reactions to what is going on in my life, the inner emotions we usually suppress and keep only to ourselves revealed to someone who had the desire and capacity to figure out how to bring it out of you... its real life, and its amazing.
We'll stop there for now... but I think the positive addictions we have in our lives help to balance out all the negativity one can come across in a day. Think about it... issues at work, people driving around you, long lines, traffic, WAITING....are all negative things that can just cause stress and bring you out of a great mood... luckily, there are the simple comforts and addictions that we have in our lives that can bring us right back to our happy place.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter Weekend!
So this weekend, at Casa Overlook, we have had the pleasure of the company of the Jacquette's! Last night Mamma Jacquette made chicken pot pie, and Rob, Mamma & Pappa Jacquette, Kadence and I sat down for a fun home-cooked meal. It is nice to have the presence of parents around to tell stories of misbehaved children, and the opportunity to sit down and have a family style dinnner. I think, with all our jobs and obligations that Gozer, Rob & I have, we dont get many chances to just sit down and have a seated dinner at the table- so the change is a nice adjustment.
I haven't blogged in awhile, so I am behind on the cankle updates. I ended up being diagnosed with a fibula stress fracture, as well as Parenial tendon severe inflammation. The prognosis was to be outfitted with a skicast... aka DAS BOOT. After a week, I was to be examined again to determine further what the plan of action would be. Well this past Thursday was the day, and like the groundhog seeing his shadow... I might be in Das Boot for another 6 weeks... right now, we are reevaluating in two weeks (1st week of April) to determine if I am able to walk without the cast, and start physical therapy... of not.. more weeks of Das Boot are to come.
I tell you, that this news was obviously NOT something I was looking for, but I have always had the philosophy that things happen for a reason... I must find what I am to be taught by this lesson, learn something from this experience and move on. I can tell you, that it has been agony seeing the weather warm up here... the runners out on the sides of streets, and knowing in the back of my mind.... 8 weeks till FL 70.3... 7 weeks till FL 70.3.. and yet, I get to walk around with Das Boot on. Sure there are benefits, like getting to park in a handicap spot last weekend at the St. Patricks Day bash, and sure I get to cut the line to get drinks... but being limited, or prevented from doing something that I want to do.. is just not in my design. You betcha Im still wearing the sun dresses... but its just not the same... the Das Boot tan is crimping my style ;)
I have to say that at this point.. I have to control the controllables.. and right now, I cannot control my ankle, how long it takes to heal etc. I am at the mercy of time, and faith, and the belief that it will get better, and this boot will not become a long term accessory to my wardrobe. I guess the main emotion Im feeling is frustration.. frustration that this was not brought about by anything that I can specifically pin point.. no twisted ankle, no improper step.. just pain in one stride that escalated for the last 3miles of a Half Marathon. In retrospect, I probably should have stopped and walked... but I had no idea by the time I crossed the finish line I would not be able to walk... it was that quick. I can only hope that the recovery time will follow suit.
The days continue on, and April fast approaches. We will see what the next two weeks bring. If I am unable to start walking without Das Boot in two weeks, I will have to reevaluate the beginning of the season, and possibly back out of some races. I would like to re qualify for Worlds again, but I just dont know what sort of shape I will be in come May. Keep em' crossed.
As always, I am in deeply thankful for the amazing support network that I have. My family and friends who consistently keep my mind off the cankle, and are always optimistic of recovery. I know Easter isnt the traditional holiday for giving thanks, but I try to make it a point more often than not to express my thanks for the amazing people I am so fortunate to have surrounding me, supporting me... in town, state side, and abroad.
I haven't blogged in awhile, so I am behind on the cankle updates. I ended up being diagnosed with a fibula stress fracture, as well as Parenial tendon severe inflammation. The prognosis was to be outfitted with a skicast... aka DAS BOOT. After a week, I was to be examined again to determine further what the plan of action would be. Well this past Thursday was the day, and like the groundhog seeing his shadow... I might be in Das Boot for another 6 weeks... right now, we are reevaluating in two weeks (1st week of April) to determine if I am able to walk without the cast, and start physical therapy... of not.. more weeks of Das Boot are to come.
I tell you, that this news was obviously NOT something I was looking for, but I have always had the philosophy that things happen for a reason... I must find what I am to be taught by this lesson, learn something from this experience and move on. I can tell you, that it has been agony seeing the weather warm up here... the runners out on the sides of streets, and knowing in the back of my mind.... 8 weeks till FL 70.3... 7 weeks till FL 70.3.. and yet, I get to walk around with Das Boot on. Sure there are benefits, like getting to park in a handicap spot last weekend at the St. Patricks Day bash, and sure I get to cut the line to get drinks... but being limited, or prevented from doing something that I want to do.. is just not in my design. You betcha Im still wearing the sun dresses... but its just not the same... the Das Boot tan is crimping my style ;)
I have to say that at this point.. I have to control the controllables.. and right now, I cannot control my ankle, how long it takes to heal etc. I am at the mercy of time, and faith, and the belief that it will get better, and this boot will not become a long term accessory to my wardrobe. I guess the main emotion Im feeling is frustration.. frustration that this was not brought about by anything that I can specifically pin point.. no twisted ankle, no improper step.. just pain in one stride that escalated for the last 3miles of a Half Marathon. In retrospect, I probably should have stopped and walked... but I had no idea by the time I crossed the finish line I would not be able to walk... it was that quick. I can only hope that the recovery time will follow suit.
The days continue on, and April fast approaches. We will see what the next two weeks bring. If I am unable to start walking without Das Boot in two weeks, I will have to reevaluate the beginning of the season, and possibly back out of some races. I would like to re qualify for Worlds again, but I just dont know what sort of shape I will be in come May. Keep em' crossed.
As always, I am in deeply thankful for the amazing support network that I have. My family and friends who consistently keep my mind off the cankle, and are always optimistic of recovery. I know Easter isnt the traditional holiday for giving thanks, but I try to make it a point more often than not to express my thanks for the amazing people I am so fortunate to have surrounding me, supporting me... in town, state side, and abroad.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
CTEP into Spring
So today might rank up there as one of the least liked days in the year. Not only is it Sunday, and the last free day to enjoy before the work week starts again, but we loose an hour to 'spring forward'. I tried to be proactive and get up early, enjoy the day, diagnose my recovery status from the Cankle, and otherwise try and make it a productive day.
Yesterday was tons of fun at the CTEP Triathlon Expo & Party held at the Athletic Center by the King and Queen buildings downtown. All the triathlon clubs, bike shops, sports massage therapists, sports doctors, etc were in attendance. I was volunteering at the All3Sports 'tent' helping talk to newbie triathlete about anything and everything tri. Sarah Haskins and I also got to conduct a 'Triathlon Transition 101' class in the spin room. We went through an entire transition bag, discussed T1 &T2, things to expect, things to remember to bring, and then fielded questions. Its still funny to me, because 2 years ago, I would have been sitting in that exact same position not knowing what to expect. Now that I think about it, I seriously had no idea what a transition was, or how best to attack it, but luckily I got to watch Dan Moss & David Silver in a local duathlon, which really put a visual perspective to 'proper transitioning technique' because I fear, left up to me, I wouldn't have known the first thing about what to bring, or where to run in/run out/ bike in/ bike out, if it hadn't been for watching them do it first.
The other really cool highlight of our Tent was the 'PowerWatt Challenge' that we were conducting. Basically consisting of a compu-trainer hooked up to a stationary bike for a .75mi- 3% gradual incline to the finish, measuring wattage/avg. speed/peak watts, etc. Each person was to give their weight so that we could calculate watts/lb. I ended up getting a 2.055/lb which I didn't really know what the heck that meant, but learned later that Pro Men (think Tour de France) typically range somewhere around 3watts/lb. So I guess the fact that Im over 2/lb isn't that bad right?? haha. A pro cyclist tested and ended up getting a 2.9/lb... with peak watts above 600 and and avg around 500+... it was RIDICULOUS! We weren't allowed to stand up out of the saddle either, which made it HARD that last 40 seconds.... my quads were on fire when I finished.. luckily we got to spin it out for a few minutes when we finished.. otherwise I think most people would have fallen right over when they dismounted!! They announced the top 3 males and females, and I ended up getting 3rd... which was fun, and hey, $50 for about 2minutes of work ain't bad at all!!! All in all, it was a great event. I got to see Collette, and chat about our upcoming season plans. She will be focusing on the Ironman Placid distance this year... SO IMPRESSIVE! I wish her the best of luck as she goes after that race, it is a killer course!!
Today had its ups and downs... the cankle felt good at some points of the day, and shakey at others.. but all in all... on the road to recovery, just not quite as quickly as I would like. It is still taking a great deal of self control to not push it, because I know in the long run that will prove more harm than good... I just have to remind myself of this... CONSTANTLY.
Club River Overlook did get a nice cleaning today, as Rob and I cleaned the kitchen, pantry, floors, and I attacked my room. I guess since we sprung forward today, it was only appropriate to hit up a lil' spring cleaning to between elevating and icing the cankle.
Now if only I could spring this recovery forward.. haha.
Yesterday was tons of fun at the CTEP Triathlon Expo & Party held at the Athletic Center by the King and Queen buildings downtown. All the triathlon clubs, bike shops, sports massage therapists, sports doctors, etc were in attendance. I was volunteering at the All3Sports 'tent' helping talk to newbie triathlete about anything and everything tri. Sarah Haskins and I also got to conduct a 'Triathlon Transition 101' class in the spin room. We went through an entire transition bag, discussed T1 &T2, things to expect, things to remember to bring, and then fielded questions. Its still funny to me, because 2 years ago, I would have been sitting in that exact same position not knowing what to expect. Now that I think about it, I seriously had no idea what a transition was, or how best to attack it, but luckily I got to watch Dan Moss & David Silver in a local duathlon, which really put a visual perspective to 'proper transitioning technique' because I fear, left up to me, I wouldn't have known the first thing about what to bring, or where to run in/run out/ bike in/ bike out, if it hadn't been for watching them do it first.
The other really cool highlight of our Tent was the 'PowerWatt Challenge' that we were conducting. Basically consisting of a compu-trainer hooked up to a stationary bike for a .75mi- 3% gradual incline to the finish, measuring wattage/avg. speed/peak watts, etc. Each person was to give their weight so that we could calculate watts/lb. I ended up getting a 2.055/lb which I didn't really know what the heck that meant, but learned later that Pro Men (think Tour de France) typically range somewhere around 3watts/lb. So I guess the fact that Im over 2/lb isn't that bad right?? haha. A pro cyclist tested and ended up getting a 2.9/lb... with peak watts above 600 and and avg around 500+... it was RIDICULOUS! We weren't allowed to stand up out of the saddle either, which made it HARD that last 40 seconds.... my quads were on fire when I finished.. luckily we got to spin it out for a few minutes when we finished.. otherwise I think most people would have fallen right over when they dismounted!! They announced the top 3 males and females, and I ended up getting 3rd... which was fun, and hey, $50 for about 2minutes of work ain't bad at all!!! All in all, it was a great event. I got to see Collette, and chat about our upcoming season plans. She will be focusing on the Ironman Placid distance this year... SO IMPRESSIVE! I wish her the best of luck as she goes after that race, it is a killer course!!
Today had its ups and downs... the cankle felt good at some points of the day, and shakey at others.. but all in all... on the road to recovery, just not quite as quickly as I would like. It is still taking a great deal of self control to not push it, because I know in the long run that will prove more harm than good... I just have to remind myself of this... CONSTANTLY.
Club River Overlook did get a nice cleaning today, as Rob and I cleaned the kitchen, pantry, floors, and I attacked my room. I guess since we sprung forward today, it was only appropriate to hit up a lil' spring cleaning to between elevating and icing the cankle.
Now if only I could spring this recovery forward.. haha.
Friday, March 7, 2008
It could be one of the most recent "great feelings" I've had... In my last post, I went on and on about the evil Cankle that consumes my every thought, nearly paralyzing me with sharp pains each time I step. But DRUM ROLL PLEASE.... I see the light!!
It all started Wednesday morning when I woke up, but let me back up first. Monday was a HORRIBLE day. Each step was painful. What I was doing couldn't even be considered walking. It was more of a "shuffle" with the right foot. Thankfully, my left leg didn't give out. I was basically worthless as I worked with one of my reps in the market. I was SLOWER than the 80 year old women walking around. They were giving me the evil eye for taking too long.. (note to self, I must be more careful of giving the evil eye to elders in the future) it was a bad bad day. Don't think the thought of stealing/locating and borrowing a 'Rascal' didn't cross my mind- because it did, and it would have made the day go by much faster... pun intended. Thankfully, Monday ended with writing my previous blog- while elevating and icing the cankle.
Tuesday was the same.. it can best be described as a pinched nerve pain. Sharp knife like sensations coursing through the right ankle, up the calf, all the way to the back of my leg... it was just AWFUL. Again, worthless... again questioning a butter knife to the cankle... pain makes you think/want to do unintelligent things, I know this.
Maybe my prayers made it through, maybe the moons and stars aligned, maybe just maybe the mega-anti-inflammatories the Doc gave me on Monday finally started to kick in (P.S. I heart him) but I woke up Wednesday, and made it down the hall before I realized "WAIT A TICK, I JUST WALKED 10 STEPS WITHOUT PAIN!!! EUREKA!!!" Yes folks, measuring 10 steps was considered a milestone without pain! Throughout the day I consumed myself with counting how many steps I could go without having a sharp shooting pain. It was getting better as the day went on. I might actually get over this, the cankle might actually heal! It was a fantastic day because of it. I was actually smiling around town instead of making painful smirks whenever my right foot hit the ground. Don't even get me started on driving!! Not having to lift my entire right leg up to minimize sharp shooting pain to step on the break was HEAVENLY!
Thursday again, was a vast improvement over Wednesday. I kept hoping I would wake up Thursday and the progress from Wednesday wouldn't have been a dream.. thankfully it wasn't a dream, and it was getting better!
Today, I am happy to report that the swelling is going down. The sharp shooting pains have for the most part subsided, and I am walking for the most part pretty dang normally!! I am however, holding off on attempting to wear any heels whatsoever, as to not agitate a relapse. The cankle is moving in the right direction, and Id like to keep it that way.
It has been 3 weeks this Sunday, since I last ran. I have to say it has been killing me! I don't being constricted and unable to do something... never have liked it, never will. When something is preventing me from doing something, especially when its me, I get extremely frustrated and over analyze the situation to the point of exhaustion. I can guarantee you that the cankle did not leave my thought process ALL DAY... that is exhausting just thinking about that.
I am hoping (keep em' crossed folks) that I will be able to resume PAIN FREE, running next week. Swimming is still an issue, it makes it difficult to kick when your ankle prevents you from doing so... but hopefully rehabin' it (BENGAY is my best friend) and constant massages will remedy this for next week as well. I will keep you posted on the recovery. In the meantime however, there are several shout-outs in order:
- To the makers of Bengay. I love and heart you all. I am obsessed with this stuff. My roommates say I smell like Bengay all the time... but that's because I'm wearing it... all the time :)
- To my fantab Dr. Yun for giving me 'ancient Chinese secret' anti inflammatories again, that worked... AGAIN!!! :)
- To my mom for enduring CONSTANT calls about the cankle, constant complaining, constant almost tears about never being able to walk/run again. I love you.
- To my roommates for having to endure constant complaining, limping, 'hey can you get.....' from me because I was paralyzed. Oh, and Gozer for having to listen to me at 6am walking uneven and loud above his head on the hard wood floors. I heart yall'
-To Target for having an awesome shoe sale on flats that I am not obsessed with. Easy to wear an ankle brace with, easy to walk in... muy bueno in my book.
- To all of you for enduring these posts. If any of you have had 'issues' (note the selection of this 'I' word and not the other) you know how brain consuming it becomes. Hopefully you had a great support network of family and friends, products and businesses to see you through :)
Invictus Maneo :)
It all started Wednesday morning when I woke up, but let me back up first. Monday was a HORRIBLE day. Each step was painful. What I was doing couldn't even be considered walking. It was more of a "shuffle" with the right foot. Thankfully, my left leg didn't give out. I was basically worthless as I worked with one of my reps in the market. I was SLOWER than the 80 year old women walking around. They were giving me the evil eye for taking too long.. (note to self, I must be more careful of giving the evil eye to elders in the future) it was a bad bad day. Don't think the thought of stealing/locating and borrowing a 'Rascal' didn't cross my mind- because it did, and it would have made the day go by much faster... pun intended. Thankfully, Monday ended with writing my previous blog- while elevating and icing the cankle.
Tuesday was the same.. it can best be described as a pinched nerve pain. Sharp knife like sensations coursing through the right ankle, up the calf, all the way to the back of my leg... it was just AWFUL. Again, worthless... again questioning a butter knife to the cankle... pain makes you think/want to do unintelligent things, I know this.
Maybe my prayers made it through, maybe the moons and stars aligned, maybe just maybe the mega-anti-inflammatories the Doc gave me on Monday finally started to kick in (P.S. I heart him) but I woke up Wednesday, and made it down the hall before I realized "WAIT A TICK, I JUST WALKED 10 STEPS WITHOUT PAIN!!! EUREKA!!!" Yes folks, measuring 10 steps was considered a milestone without pain! Throughout the day I consumed myself with counting how many steps I could go without having a sharp shooting pain. It was getting better as the day went on. I might actually get over this, the cankle might actually heal! It was a fantastic day because of it. I was actually smiling around town instead of making painful smirks whenever my right foot hit the ground. Don't even get me started on driving!! Not having to lift my entire right leg up to minimize sharp shooting pain to step on the break was HEAVENLY!
Thursday again, was a vast improvement over Wednesday. I kept hoping I would wake up Thursday and the progress from Wednesday wouldn't have been a dream.. thankfully it wasn't a dream, and it was getting better!
Today, I am happy to report that the swelling is going down. The sharp shooting pains have for the most part subsided, and I am walking for the most part pretty dang normally!! I am however, holding off on attempting to wear any heels whatsoever, as to not agitate a relapse. The cankle is moving in the right direction, and Id like to keep it that way.
It has been 3 weeks this Sunday, since I last ran. I have to say it has been killing me! I don't being constricted and unable to do something... never have liked it, never will. When something is preventing me from doing something, especially when its me, I get extremely frustrated and over analyze the situation to the point of exhaustion. I can guarantee you that the cankle did not leave my thought process ALL DAY... that is exhausting just thinking about that.
I am hoping (keep em' crossed folks) that I will be able to resume PAIN FREE, running next week. Swimming is still an issue, it makes it difficult to kick when your ankle prevents you from doing so... but hopefully rehabin' it (BENGAY is my best friend) and constant massages will remedy this for next week as well. I will keep you posted on the recovery. In the meantime however, there are several shout-outs in order:
- To the makers of Bengay. I love and heart you all. I am obsessed with this stuff. My roommates say I smell like Bengay all the time... but that's because I'm wearing it... all the time :)
- To my fantab Dr. Yun for giving me 'ancient Chinese secret' anti inflammatories again, that worked... AGAIN!!! :)
- To my mom for enduring CONSTANT calls about the cankle, constant complaining, constant almost tears about never being able to walk/run again. I love you.
- To my roommates for having to endure constant complaining, limping, 'hey can you get.....' from me because I was paralyzed. Oh, and Gozer for having to listen to me at 6am walking uneven and loud above his head on the hard wood floors. I heart yall'
-To Target for having an awesome shoe sale on flats that I am not obsessed with. Easy to wear an ankle brace with, easy to walk in... muy bueno in my book.
- To all of you for enduring these posts. If any of you have had 'issues' (note the selection of this 'I' word and not the other) you know how brain consuming it becomes. Hopefully you had a great support network of family and friends, products and businesses to see you through :)
Invictus Maneo :)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Cankle Wars
Its like a bad remake of a classic Star Wars movie. I have a cankle!! For those of you out there not in the "know" with the lingo, a cankle is synonymous with the fat girls you see waltzing around that from behind, you cannot tell where the calf ends... and the ankle begins. Hence the term, CANKLE. I had a cankle once before, back in June of 2007... after a training run I finished up and noticed some soreness, thought nothing of it and proceeded on. The next day I was doubled over in pain. Attack of the Cankle Episode 1 began. After several doctor's visits, and being what I thought was "proactive" I got x-rays, and an MRI... to which the only conclusion the doctors could find was that I had severe inflammation in my ankle... that was it. Or so I thought till I received the medical bills from my fabulous health insurance to the tune of $2000... lovely. Talk about thanking my lucky stars my parents instilled the "save your money for a rainy day" life lesson.. because I dont care who you are, coughing up $2000 for medical bills that resulted in NO medical explanation other than, 'severe inflammation' is bound to hurt the pocket just a lil' bit.
So after a few weeks, and a month of not running, the cankle disappeared just like it had arrived. I thought that would be the last of the cankle (thanks to Momma & the sport of triathlon, I dont think I will have to worry about fat girl cankles) but OHHHH NO. Return of the Cankle Episode 2 would rear its ugly head....
Two weeks ago yesterday, I ran a Half Marathon in my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. The race started off pretty good, I didnt push myself at all the first 10k and felt like I could definitely pick it up the back half, and was successful until I reached mile 10.. and then I took a step that caused a shooting pain to hit my ankle. It almost felt like something pinched... I considered stopping.. but 14 years of swimming will screw with your head... you dont stop unless your arms and legs are falling off, or you are dying... which ever comes first. So I proceeded on, and crossed the finish line in a hugh amount of pain. I couldnt even walk when I crossed.. I more or less lightly hobbled. So the pain continued, and I iced and iced, have been popping Ibuprofen like candy...
Two weeks later.. the pain is almost WORSE than it was the day it happened. I finally called the doctor today and got them to perscribe the same anti-inflammatories they gave me for Attack of the Cankle Episode 1. I took it immediately after I finished work today.... which was painful. I couldnt walk straight all day. Was VERY SLOW when I was walking.... it was just painful. Ive determined that the cankle is in fact BIGGER, than it was two weeks ago.. and I have started the elevation and ice again. Im keeping my fingers crossed that the meds will work, that I will wake up one morning and the Cankle will have disappeared.. off to mess with some other victim. Its to the point now that Im almost crying the pain is so sharp. Seriously, the nerves are pinched or something. Does somebody know how to alleviate pinched nerves without performing backyard surgery with a butter knife? The idea has crossed my mind... Grrrr.
So after a few weeks, and a month of not running, the cankle disappeared just like it had arrived. I thought that would be the last of the cankle (thanks to Momma & the sport of triathlon, I dont think I will have to worry about fat girl cankles) but OHHHH NO. Return of the Cankle Episode 2 would rear its ugly head....
Two weeks ago yesterday, I ran a Half Marathon in my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. The race started off pretty good, I didnt push myself at all the first 10k and felt like I could definitely pick it up the back half, and was successful until I reached mile 10.. and then I took a step that caused a shooting pain to hit my ankle. It almost felt like something pinched... I considered stopping.. but 14 years of swimming will screw with your head... you dont stop unless your arms and legs are falling off, or you are dying... which ever comes first. So I proceeded on, and crossed the finish line in a hugh amount of pain. I couldnt even walk when I crossed.. I more or less lightly hobbled. So the pain continued, and I iced and iced, have been popping Ibuprofen like candy...
Two weeks later.. the pain is almost WORSE than it was the day it happened. I finally called the doctor today and got them to perscribe the same anti-inflammatories they gave me for Attack of the Cankle Episode 1. I took it immediately after I finished work today.... which was painful. I couldnt walk straight all day. Was VERY SLOW when I was walking.... it was just painful. Ive determined that the cankle is in fact BIGGER, than it was two weeks ago.. and I have started the elevation and ice again. Im keeping my fingers crossed that the meds will work, that I will wake up one morning and the Cankle will have disappeared.. off to mess with some other victim. Its to the point now that Im almost crying the pain is so sharp. Seriously, the nerves are pinched or something. Does somebody know how to alleviate pinched nerves without performing backyard surgery with a butter knife? The idea has crossed my mind... Grrrr.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
EVERYBODY'S doing it...
So... after much pressure and prodding by friends around the globe, who informed me that I was the only person without a blog, I have decided to succumb to the pressure and GASP.... enter the world known as blogging. I know the anticipation has been a lil' much for some folks out there.. but I have arrived, and will do my best to be both frequent & entertaining. For those of you that know me, I am hardly without words, or advice for those close to me. I will try not to disappoint.
For those that don't know me... you'd be amazed how deep the labyrinth goes. In high school I was known to some as "Dr. Smith".. because despite maybe not experiencing first hand, I have always managed to be able to give advice... those that can't do teach right??
Feel free to celebrate by doing the Ellen dance (kicks and thumbs up) or your best "chicka chicka yea" because the "doctor" is in.
For those that don't know me... you'd be amazed how deep the labyrinth goes. In high school I was known to some as "Dr. Smith".. because despite maybe not experiencing first hand, I have always managed to be able to give advice... those that can't do teach right??
Feel free to celebrate by doing the Ellen dance (kicks and thumbs up) or your best "chicka chicka yea" because the "doctor" is in.
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