What can I say... moving to Canada, being engaged to a Canadian = adopting Hockey as my new über favorite sport to obsess about (but not play). Yes, Hockey can now be added to the list that includes Football and Lacrosse.
This being said, it wasn't very hard for Simon to recruit me to the Montréal fan base. My Canadian friends were a little disappointed I did not adopt the Toronto Maple Leafs as my team.. but 'The Leafs suck' so... Habs it is! Just kidding.. The leafs didn't have a chance... I was going to be a Habs fan from the start.
So far in my Hockey obsession we have had the opportunity to watch the Habs play on our 46 inch flat screen= love for a sports fan! How on earth did Simon and I live without télévision for the past two years??? Watching sports in HD has never been more exciting in the comfort of your own home!
So the playoffs have been kind to the Habs so far.. we managed to pick off the #1 team (Washington Capitals) and then the #2 returning Stanley Cup Champions (Pittsburgh Penguins) and my best friend Jill's team... so naturally- sh*t talking ensued, and the Habs won (nah nahnny boo boo Jill!) ;)
Now all that's left are the Philly Flyers (#7 team) that stand in the Habs way to making the Stanley Cup Final. Looks like Game 1 will go down for Philly... but hopefully we can come back for Game 2.
Sport, Fights, HD, and Beer... I love this sport. GO HABS GO!
Oh.. and I also love LaPierre smiling when he fights :) hahaha.