Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My back and my back.. and my hair?!

In the past two weeks, I have probably recited this scene from Friday in my head at least 100 times... is it random that this is what comes to mind first? Knowing me, probably not.

"Do you know how much money you can get for a slip & fall in a sto?"

So almost two weeks ago I managed to do SOMETHING to my back (again, I think its a combination of factors really- #1 being I have the weakest core on the planet, #2 being years of abuse finally taking its toll) in the shower, where essentially I was bent over and had to hand walk myself up the wall to get back up to vertical. Two weeks of chiro visits later, I am starting to feel like myself again.

The break has meant I have been forced to take a much needed REST, where I could really do almost nothing- no running, no lifting, no long biking, and certainly not in tri position. Not that I was going out there and doing any of these things post IMMT, but it meant I really couldn't do anything. So rest (REST YOU MUST YOUNG PADWAN) I have, and turn my attention to other random things.. I also have.

Which brings me to my next and probably most random rant post EVER- I have found the single most amazing hair care product on the planet! SCREEEEEEEEEETCH! Goes the record player. Wait a minute Jen, you talk about triathlons, and running with bulls, and treking, and adventure related topics... and now, hair care?!?! Maybe the zombie Apocalypse really is coming (more like the goopocolypse, but we'll get to that later.)

So I digress... hair care. I found the single most amazing thing I have ever used on my hair... EVER.

To start, it takes me 20-25 minutes to comb through my hair when its wet. It is RIDICULOUS. It knots, it tangles, it rips. My hair dresses laughs at me each time I come in, and after two visits- has built this "time" into our appointment. I have the human hair equivalent of those wire hair terriers- its just wirey, curly, and a mess. I've tried all the techniques: wait until its 80% dry before attempting to brush, comb through in the shower with conditioner still in, section hair and start from bottom to the top- with detangler/oil, wide tooth comb, ends to root shaft. ALL OF IT. I am left each time with 20ish minutes of my life wasted, sore arms from  brushing, and half a sink full of hair (just as Simon). I'm a fine wirey wavy haired mess.

Until, drum roll please.... I found the TANGLE TEEZER! ("Whaaaaaa?! High five!" - Barney Stinson) This little alien looking brush has amazed me, and I am not amazed easily, especially by products I presume to be some sort of gimmick, and certain not something that will work on this head. BUT... whatdayaknow, it actually works. IT ACTUALLY FREAKIN WORKS!

I put this bad boy to the test, straight out of the shower, wrapped my head in a towel long enough to get dressed, grabbed the blob and prepared to get one good brush stroke through before I have to reverse the hair brush to get it off my head. Oh no... blob went through the hair, with ease. Try again. Worked again. Ohhhh yes.

I brushed my entire head in about 3 minutes (and that's being generous), and looked at the blob to see only about 5 hairs in the brush. Not bad blob, not bad at all. Needless to say, I was almost reduced to tears I couldn't believe it was possible that I could brush through my hair in only single digit time, not have half a sink full of hair, and press on with my night.

Tangle Teezer- you are AMAZING!
The really sad thing is most people outside of the UK have never even heard about this yet! It was created in the UK, and up until recently, hasn't been made widely available outside of the UK. If you are in North America, you can find this little guy at Sally Beauty supply stores, for roughly $20 CAD (like $15 USD), and it is well worth every penny.

Now that my random rant is over, we will resume our regularly scheduled programming of adventures and life experiences.

Next adventure teaser: A mountain bike trek from the Mexican mountains to the pacific coast! Coming your way November 2012!!! :)

And last by certainly not least... my uber favorite chocolate company has released a halloween addition to their Easter Candy goodness- Sceme Eggs!! The goopocolypse is coming.. and I am so ready!! :)

1 comment:

Smith parentals said...

As usual, you never cease to entertain!!!!! love, old people